Dr. Matthias Reisemann

- Research and development at Spiegel Institut
- Studies in physics, PhD in applied engineering
- With the Spiegel Institut since 1999, active in usability and UX-research and consulting
- lecturer of the university of Aalen, UX degree programm
- Certified Professional for CPUX-F, CPUX-UT and CPUX-UR
- Trainer for CPUX-F, CPUX-UT, CPUX-UR seminars
Julia Messerschmidt

- Degree in psychology (Dipl.-Psychologin), Senior Consultant
- Studies in psychology in Würzburg with a focus on traffic psychology and cognitive ergonomics
- Diploma thesis on developing a UX questionnaire for the automotive sector
- With the Spiegel Institut since 2014 in the area of qualitative and quantitative market research
- Certified Professional for CPUX-F and CPUX-UT
- Trainer for CPUX-F and CPUX-UT seminars
Ilona Hering

- M.Sc. in business psychology, Consultant Consumer Research & User Experience
- Studied Business Psychology with a focus on market and consumption in Heidelberg
- With the Spiegel Institut since 2014 in the area of qualitative market research and user experience research
- Certified Professional for Usability and User Experience Foundation Level (CPUX-F)
- Areas of activity: Moderator of in-depth interviews, focus groups, workshops and training, international ethnographic research, observational studies
- Trainer for “Introduction to qualitative market research”, “Think outside the box!”, “Professional moderation of focus groups” and “Psychological Conversation Techniques”
Sarah Pfannebecker

- Master’s degree in economics, Consultant Global Field Management
- Studied Sinology at the University of Würzburg and Kiel University of Applied Sciences
- Studied abroad in China and Malaysia
- With the Spiegel Institut Mannheim since 2015 focusing on international field organisation
- Areas of activity: International project management, contact person and coordinator for partner institutions worldwide
- Trainer for China seminar
Yue Liu

- MBA marketing management, Consultant Consumer Research & User Experience
- Studied Germanic Studies at the Beijing Language and Culture University, MBA Marketing Management from Hof University of Applied Sciences
- Study abroad in Taiwan
- With the Spiegel Institut Mannheim since 2017 focusing on qualitative market research
- Areas of activity: International market research projects with a focus on China
- Trainer for China seminar
Stefan Rosenhammer

- M.Sc. Psychology, Consultant User Experience
- He studied psychology of human performance in socio-technical systems at the Technical University of Dresden with a focus on transportation and engineering psychology
- Master’s thesis on the evaluation of the cognitive ergonomics of head-up displays in collaboration with MAN Truck & Bus AG
- With Spiegel Institut Ingolstadt since 2016 in the area of developing User Experience / User Interface features on behalf of AUDI AG
- Certified Professional for CPUX-F
- Trainer for CPUX-F seminar
Thomas Martlbauer
- Coordinator User Experience
- Trainer for CPUX-F and CPUX-UT seminars