Each and every one of us is in constant communication at all times, even if we are not always aware of it – as communication is much more than just speaking to each other. Looking at what actually constitutes communication can therefore be of principle interest for anyone. The deeper you delve into the topic, the more fascinating the possibilities are which we can use to send conscious and unconscious messages.
In this seminar, we show you which factors promote good communication and which stand in the way. Both in theory and in practice, you will learn the important roles of voice, posture, gestures and facial expressions and how to make it easier for you to reach your goals using professional communication techniques, and these can be applied in your personal life as well.
- Introduction to fundamental theories in the field of communication
- What is communication?
- How do we communicate?
- Objectives of communication
- Getting to know communication modules (objectives, focus, feedback, questions, dealing with allegations, holding conversations, mirroring, asking ‘yes’ questions, etc.)
- The four-sides model
- Pacing
- Perception
- Change of perspective
- Resources
- Beliefs
- Putting it into practice (exercises, role playing, project conversations)
The seminar is for anyone interested in communication and who would like to get a deeper insight into this diverse topic.
The seminars take place at the Spiegel Institut.
Individualised in-house seminars at your company:
In addition to events held at the Spiegel Institut, upon request we can also organise our seminars directly at your offices. In-house seminars are a good idea, for example, if you want to train your entire team. We would be happy to draw up an individualised seminar programme, tailored to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you!
1 day, 9:00 a.m. – approx. 5:00 p.m.
Do you have any questions?
Please contact us:

Roberta Rulyte
Phone: +49 621-728 44-102
Email: r.rulyte@spiegel-institut.de
Dates upon request.
Contact us to request an individualised offer.